December 18, 2023

Strengthening Your Faith Through Your Choices

by Toby Lofton in Spiritual Growth0 Comments

As Christians, our desire is to draw closer to God. But how can we do this? By choosing positive influences, following Jesus' teachings, and sharing our faith, we can transform our lives. With intentional changes, we can strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with God.

One way to strengthen our faith is by being mindful of what we allow into our lives. Just like a computer processes what is inputted, our minds absorb and reflect what we expose ourselves to. It is crucial to fill our lives with positivity and virtue. We can cultivate a positive outlook on life by incorporating faith-building elements throughout our day and week. By praying, reading and meditating on Scripture, and using our abilities to thrive, we can align ourselves with God's purpose for our lives. By focusing on positive, virtuous, and admirable things, we can strengthen our faith.

However, faith is not just about what we put into our lives; it is about living out our beliefs through actions. Jesus taught us to love one another, serve with humility, and be a light to the world. To strengthen our faith, we must not only listen to His teachings, but also put them into practice. As we embody Jesus' teachings, we become living examples of His love and grace.

Making significant changes in our lives can be overwhelming. However, we can take small steps to move closer to our goals. For instance, if we feel called to prioritize prayer, we can start by dedicating a few minutes each day to converse with God. If ministry work beckons, we can take small steps to serve others in our community. By taking one step at a time, we avoid feeling discouraged and find ourselves moving closer to God with each action.

As Christians, we are also called to be a light to the world, to be the salt of the earth. Faith is not meant to be kept hidden; it is meant to be shared. By freely giving what we have received, we inspire hope, spread love, and influence lives in ways we may not even realize. The impact of our faith is not only reflected in our personal growth, but also in the positive outcomes it produces in the lives of others.

While faith is a gift of God, we must invest in what we have been given. Likewise, while God draws us to Him, there are things we can do to strengthen our relationship with Him. What we allow into our lives, whether we follow Christ, and how we share our relationship with God with others, can impact our relationship with God. All of these require choices on our part. If you really desire to grow closer to God, make the choices that strengthen your faith.
