Toby Lofton
If you’re like most Christians, you have a desire to grow in your faith. You are committed to discipleship. But you are not satisfied with just going to church. You want to thrive as a disciple of Christ.
- You want to be excited about Jesus
- You want confidence in your faith
- You want to know without question that you are living your life as God wants
- You want your faith to influence your relationships with family and friends
- You want to learn to be the disciple Christ has called you to be – making other disciples
Simply put, you want more. You know that your growth as a disciple improves you and everything else around you. Your peace. Your happiness. Your family. Your work. Your church.
But there’s a problem, isn’t there?
You don’t know where to start. Sure, you go to church. Perhaps you even attend a small group or Sunday School, but you are not seeing the growth you seek.
You never know what you are going to get when you go to church. Bible studies are just as random. One month you study Paul, the next you study King David. These might be good studies, but you want growth. You try to apply them to your life, but it is left up to you to make the connections. Feels more like academics than personal discipleship. Sound familiar?
I Know
As a Christian, I know what it feels like to be frustrated with spiritual growth. As a pastor of over twenty years, I have observed the struggle of the church to help disciples to grow. I struggled to lead it!
The turnaround for me came when I realized the answer isn’t another Bible Study. Spiritual growth is about a precise and intentional process of discipleship driven by the disciple, not the newest sixteen-week church program. Once I discovered spiritual growth was about following God’s unique calling on my heart and taking the time to explore where God was leading me, my life has never been the same.
In 2019, I retired as a US Army Chaplain and returned to the pulpit in the local church.
I’m also an author (another part of following where God leads). I have published nine books since 2020, with more on the way. One book is my personal reflections on the Psalms over a course of ten years. Four are part of a Prayer Series designed to help Christians prayer following models in the Bible. Three are part of a devotional series based on the church calendar. My latest book shares how to find Jesus in your everyday life.
Home. Home is where God has blessed me far more than I deserve. I am married to my wife, Regina, for thirty-six years. She has endured many military deployments and duty separations. She is simply a great patriot and my greatest supporter. We have three grown children, raising a fourth, seven grandchildren, and a dog named Watson.
Can PrecisionFaith help you grow in your faith?
My goal is that through PrecisionFaith, I can help you grow in your faith and discipleship. PrecisionFaith’s vision is to provide you the tools you need to grow in a precise and intentional manner that is driven by who you are, where you are in life, and where God is calling you to follow him.
Through resources (like Jesus: 21 Days That Can Change the Way You Pray), plus weekly articles — I want to create disciples who create disciples. I want to see you thrive in your faith. I hope you’ll join me.