June 1, 2021


by Toby Lofton in Discipleship0 Comments

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The way you live your life today - your choices, your thoughts, your actions, what you do or do not do, indicates how you live your faith.

You have today to practice your faith. You have today to walk with Jesus. You have today to love God with all your heart, your soul, and mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself.

How will you do it? How will you live out your faith today?

Do not let today pass you by without living as Christ taught.

Living an intentional Christian life does not just happen. You have to plan your faith just like you plan anything else. 

If you do not plan to love your neighbor, chances are you won't. If you don't plan to spend time with God, you most likely will get wrapped up today and will not even think about it until it is too late or you are too tired. 

While many aspects of our faith reveal themselves in unplanned actions - such as being kind, impromptu opportunities, and moments of gratitude to God, scheduling intentional acts of faith can ensure you are taking precision steps to spiritual growth. 

Make a conscious decision to do at least one thing to love God and one thing to love your neighbor today. Decide right now what you will do.

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