March 31, 2020

How Can We Share Our Faith in Times Like These?

by Toby Lofton in Sharing Faith0 Comments

The prayer focus for Day 14 from the devotional book, “Jesus, 21 Days That Can Change the Way You Pray” is to ask God to give you the right words to say when the opportunity comes for you to say them.

Remember Day 13? We prayed for God to give us that opportunity. If
we ask for the opportunity, God will certainly give it.  So, we need the right words also. Therefore,
we ask.

Sounds simple. But wait, isn’t that an odd prayer to be praying
during these days when we are stuck at home, can’t go to work, and forced to
home school our kids?

I have received questions from many asking, “How can we share
our faith in this period of social distancing and remaining at home?” God’s word
answers this question with a question.

“Is there anything too great for the Lord?”

Genesis 18:14

That question puts things in perspective. That question may put our
faith in perspective.

  • Do we believe the power of God can be closed in?
  • Can the Spirit of God be kept at bay by social distancing?
  • Is God limited to traditional ways of sharing eternal life?

Now this doesn’t imply we should not follow the guidelines of the
CDC or our local governments and authorities. But, God isn’t limited to traditional
face-to-face sharing of faith. We need to see beyond common ways of making

Scriptures teach, “With God, all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

If we ask God to give us the opportunity, God will show us how.
He will put us in places (perhaps technological places) to tell others the good
news of Christ.

If you believe God will answer that prayer, then now is the time
to ask God for the right words to say when that time comes.

Another thought has also occurred to me in the writing of this blogpost, and this isn’t to say God has created this pandemic, but what I have found is that in the midst of anything, God can find a way.

So, what if in the midst of this crisis, the place God is giving us is in our homes? The people in our path is our own families? What if God is placing us in our yards so we can talk – from a distance – to our neighbors about Christ?

It seems many people during this time are re-connecting with their family members like brothers, sisters, parents, and children who live away. Could those people be the persons God is giving you as a place to glorify him?

In my experience, we don’t do well with talking faith in our
homes, with our family, or even our neighbors. Oh, we can go to church (when we
were allowed) and talk about Jesus with our small-groups, Sunday School
Classes, and just about anyone who showed up. We don’t have problems there. But
in our own back-yard? Living room? On the phone with families?



Maybe the place God is given us is closer than we think? Like the
words on a car’s side-view mirror, “OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY
APPEAR”. Maybe the place God is giving us is closer than we realize?

So yes! Pray for the right words to say and get ready. God will
provide a place and may already have. Now, say the words God has given you.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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