September 19, 2021

Faith On Demand

by Toby Lofton in Discipleship0 Comments

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Hebrews 12:1



Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight in sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.

Being a Christian today is wonderful. You have so many people who have come before you in faith.

You also have so many resources available to help you in faith:

  • You can read biblical stories of faith
  • You can read biographies about people of faith
  • You can read books on faith
  • You can watch the most influential teachers of faith on television, YouTube, and livestream.

You can say that in modern day you have Faith-on-Demand.

Want to be a prayer warrior? Droves of books exist on prayer. You can watch documentaries about St. John of the Cross, Mother Theresa, and others.

Want to start an outreach ministry? Numerous denominations have resources available. Even the US Government has resources available that can help you navigate the process.

Want to become a better Christian parent, spouse, or even a better coworker, books and seminars are easily accessible.

The point is you do not have to go at faith alone. There is not a single aspect of faith that you must figure out on your own.

Where do you want to grow in your faith? What’s stopping you? You have all the resources you need available. Pick one and grow.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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