Luke 9:23
Wax On - Wax Off
In the movie, “The Karate Kid”, a young boy (Daniel) desires to learn karate from a master martial artist (Mr. Miyagi).
Mr. Miyagi is reluctant to teach Daniel until the day Daniel gets beat up pretty bad. Mr. Miyagi finally agrees.
Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel one karate move. He teaches it to him by showing him how to wax a car. Daniel, of course, isn’t aware he is being taught. He thinks he has having to pay for his lessons by doing chores.
Wax on – wax off is the move he is being taught though. Over and over again his karate skills are being perfected as he waxes on with one hand, waxes off with the other hand.
Car after car after car.
One move. One technique. One motion.
The Way of the Pilgrim
The Way of the Pilgrim is a book that was first published in Russia in 1884. It told the story of a man who was trying to understand how to pray without ceasing as Christ had taught. The man went to a wise old monk to find out how to do this. The monk taught him one single prayer:
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, a sinner.”
One Move. One technique. One prayer.
One Verse
What about one verse? What would be the one verse I would tell a person to read, and commit to memory, especially if that person was a new disciple of Jesus?
In a previous blog post I mentioned where a person should start reading the Bible. Following that post I talked about the one book of the Bible I would have someone read. Well today, let’s narrow it down further, what one verse would I have a new disciple read.
Luke 9:23
“Then he said to them all, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”
Luke 9:23 would be the verse I would have a new disciple learn.
Webster defines a disciple as:
“One who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another.”
In our case, a disciple is one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of Jesus.
A disciple of Jesus not only believes in Jesus but also shares the good news of Jesus and what Jesus taught.
Most disciples have no problems with the first part – accepting or believing, but many disciples struggle with the second part – spreading or sharing.
How do we get to sharing?
One of the first things a new disciple must learn is to deny themselves (their thoughts and fears about sharing), take up their cross (the task of sharing), and follow Jesus (to share the message just as he did).
Jesus makes it very clear that unless we are willing to deny ourselves, we can’t be his disciple. Therefore Luke 9:23 is imperative for a disciple to learn. We can’t get to Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission) until Luke 9:23 is en-grained within us.
6 Steps to Learning
Luke 9:23
Read the Verse Daily
Keep it Visible
Post the verse is a visible location until committed to memory.
Recall it to Mind
Recall the verse to your mind often throughout the day.
Reflect upon the three elements of the verse:
Deny self.
Take up cross daily.
Follow Jesus.
Keep a journal of your reflections:
What are your learning through the meditations?
How can you specifically do each of the elements?
Where are you struggling?
Make the verse a daily prayer (examples):
“Help me to deny myself, take up my cross,
and follow you today.”
“Give me the opportunity to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow you today.”
[…] a previous blog post, I mentioned this very simple prayer found in the book, The Way of a Pilgrim. This prayer is often called, The Jesus […]