September 9, 2020

What Is The Right Thing To Do?

by Toby Lofton in Reflections0 Comments

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Why Is God So Good to Me When I Am So Bad?
How am I to know what the right thing to do is when trials come?

Part of me says that I will know. It follows the thinking that we really know what the right thing is to do. We really do not need anyone to tell us. Like a child that knows that she is doing something wrong. She will hide or turn her back so her parents cannot see. The Apostle Paul might even say that we are created with an awareness of right and wrong.

Sometimes the answer isn’t that simple. Sometimes we must think about the problem. We must determine how to address it. Sometimes it isn’t necessarily about right or wrong in the sense of righteousness or unrighteousness. Sometimes it is simply about deciding a course of action regarding life.


The Bible teaches to ask God during these times. I am to ask God. It teaches that God will give wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to apply sound knowledge.

God gives wisdom generously. God isn’t stingy with it.

All I must do is ask for wisdom. Ask and God will give wisdom to me.

But I must ask in faith. I cannot doubt. I am to ask with full faith that God will give me what I ask.

What does asking with faith imply?

It implies a trust in God. A turning to God. A belief in God. Not a hope that God exists, but a full belief that God exists. If I believe God exists, then I must believe in everything else about God. God is the Father. God is the creator. God gave us his son. God provided the scriptures. God promises eternal life.

God isn’t a Google search window that I turn to only when I want answers. Once I find my answer, I turn God off.

To turn to God and ask for wisdom is to believe in God. If I am not going to believe in God, why should I expect him to give me anything? Perhaps God will because God is generous. After all, he causes the sun to rise on the just and unjust, the rain to fall on the wicked and the righteous.

As for me, I will believe in God.

Oh Lord, give me wisdom.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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