Perhaps the best approach to answering the question what is discipleship is to understand the suffix “-ship”.
The suffix “-ship” can be defined as being in a state. For example, friendship. Friendship implies to be in a state of being friends with someone.
The suffix “-ship” can also defined as being in a position of something. For example, apprenticeship. Apprenticeship implies one who is being apprenticed.
Following these explanations, discipleship is one who is in a state or position of being discipled. In the Christian context, discipleship is one who is in a state or position of being discipled in the teachings of Jesus.
Let's Go Further
Consider the friendship example. Friendship implies two people have a relationship with one another. They know each other. They talk with one another. They share thoughts and feelings at a deeper level than just being an acquaintance.
Think of a person who makes this statement: “I know John. He is my friend.” What does that imply?

It implies more than just knowing John, doesn’t it? It implies more than just meeting John once. It implies more than just knowing John as the guy who works out at the gym. Or even being to tell someone where John works.
Have you ever caught someone making a friendship assertion that isn’t really friendship? When queried it became apparent, they just knew the person. But they were not really friends.
Consider the apprenticeship example. Apprenticeship implies a person is an apprentice of another person who is skilled in a trade or craft. They are learning from that person. They meet with them to be trained and taught. They practice the skills which they are learning.
Think of a person who makes this statement: “I am being apprenticed by John to make wooden toys.” What does that imply?

It implies more than just having an interest in wooden toys. It implies more than just knowing John the toy-maker. It implies this person meets with John on a routine basis for the express purpose of being taught how to make wooden toys. It implies an expectation by John that this person shows progress in toy-making skills.
If this is not true, then this person is only showing up to watch John’s craft. They are not really learning or putting the effort into learning. Hence, they really are not an apprentice. Oh, they may like wooden toys, but becoming a toy-maker…not really.
Make the Shift
Discipleship. Discipleship implies a person who is being discipled in the teaching of Jesus. They are being taught what Jesus taught. There is an expectation that they do what Jesus apprenticed his followers to do.
Discipleship is more than just knowing a lot about Jesus. Discipleship is more than just knowing who Jesus is and what he did (as great as that is).
Discipleship is about learning, growth, and becoming a disciple of Jesus. Then, as a disciple, going into the world to share the teachings of Jesus for the express purpose of making more disciples.

Are you interested in discipleship? No, really? Do you want to be a disciple of Jesus or are you just looking for something else?