Discipleship serves one purpose and one purpose alone - to make disciples of disciples. Discipleship's purpose is to teach followers of Jesus how to go make other followers of Jesus. Nothing else. 

And Jesus said to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."  

Matthew 4:19 NRSV

This is the reason Jesus called his first followers. It is the reason why Jesus sent them into the world. The first and last thing Jesus said to his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew. That's not coincidence. That's intentional.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." 

Matthew 28:19-20 NRSV

So, if this article is about what discipleship is not, then why start by stating the purpose of discipleship?

Simple, anything that does not serve that purpose isn't discipleship.

Let me offer some things that are not discipleship. They could be discipleship, but in many churches they are not:

1.Worship services

2.Sunday School

3.Small Group Bible Study

Wait a minute! That's pretty much everything that is done in most churches.

This gives pause for a few assessments that might help us understand:

1.When was the last time you or another disciple in your Sunday School class made a new disciple?

2.How long has it been since someone new who wasn't a disciple attended your church's worship service as a result of an invitation by you or another disciple? (easy out question)

3.How long has it been since a small group has produced another leader who went out and started a new small group where more than half of the new group are new disciples (or at least, church members moving into discipleship)?

4.Does the material you are studying in your Sunday School or small group intentionally teach, train, equip, and prepare you to go and make other disciples?

Sadly, in my experience of offering these questions, the answers aren't favorable.

Painfully, people struggle with discipleship because they have done one of two things:

1.They have forgotten the meaning of discipleship.

2.They simply refuse to be disciples as Jesus defines discipleship.

Usually in both these cases, most people have decided that discipleship means nothing other than they have their one-way ticket to heaven when they die and that is all that matters.

That sounds very selfish doesn't it?

Jesus had plenty to say about selfishness. None of it was good.

For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it." 

Matthew 16:25/NRSV

It sure seems like Jesus was teaching that if the only reason you are following him is so you can go to heaven (save yourself), then you might be disappointed (like lose your life).

It also seems like Jesus was teaching that if you will lose yourself for his sake (uhmm....that would be to go into the world, make disciples, and teach others), then you might be very glad you did (like find your life).

Yes, I agree. This sounds like a hard word. It was meant to be.

Ask yourself the following:

1.Is the sole purpose of my believing in Jesus so that I can go to heaven when I die?

2.Am I really following Jesus?

3.Am I really doing what Jesus instructed his disciples to do? Go make disciples?

4.When is the last time you actually talked to someone about Jesus? Your Sunday School and small-group members don't count.

5.Do I need to be discipled myself so I can learn the real meaning of being a disciple of Jesus?

Remember: The difference between a disciple and someone who knows Jesus is that a disciple follows Jesus. A lot of people know Jesus, but very few follow.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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