October 16, 2022

What are you celebrating?

by Toby Lofton in Uncategorized0 Comments

What Are You Celebrating?

Everyday across the globe, Christians celebrate. Some celebrate forgiveness. Others celebrate being part of the family of God. They celebrate the Kingdom of God. As Christians, we have much to celebrate.

Often we celebrate things that have not yet occurred. We sing of a home not yet seen. We rejoice over being bound for a Promised Land. Even through our transformation, we celebrate God isn’t finished with us. Things not yet celebrated all the same.

I’ve been encouraging you to think about what’s not yet, but very well could be. It could be a reality if you would live into the vision God has given you.

If you missed these, click each item below to find out more.

One of the best ways to get to where you want to go in your faith is to celebrate your destination even before you arrive. When we focus on where we are going, we find hope, promise, and encouragement. Like singing about when the roll is called up yonder gives us inspiration, thinking about your faith vision can propel you onward as well.

Here are a few things you can do to help you celebrate where God is calling you:

  • Find an image, photo, or painting that depicts your faith vision. Place the image in a place you can see it every day (bathroom mirror, screen saver, desk, car dash). Look at it often to remind you where you are heading.
  • Find your Bible verse. Research the scriptures for a verse that discusses your faith-vision. Print the verse out and read it often. Mark it in your Bible and read it every day. You can even put it at the bottom of your signature block so that with every email or letter you write, not only will you see it, you will tell others what you are about.
  • Look for a song that inspires your faith-vision. Put it first in your playlist and make a habit of listening to it, or singing along, once a day.

The point is this: celebrate where you are going! Don’t just know who God is calling you to be, rejoice in what you are called to do.
