The story of Peter walking on water stands as a profound lesson about faith worth pursuing.

Picture the scene: a storm-tossed sea, waves crashing against a boat, and a solitary figure—Peter—gazing intently at Jesus walking on the water. With a heart ignited by faith, Peter steps out of the boat, driven by a singular goal: to reach Jesus. Certainly, Peter’s mind, and probably his peers, told him it was impossible.

Peter’s desire teaches us that faith worth pursuing often exists beyond the possible and even where we are comfortable. Faith, however, challenges the norm and plausible. Faith, great or small, always brings change, growth, and transformation. Something becomes different.

This is why when we step out in faith, we will face obstacles. These obstacles are attempts by the ordinary, accepted, and the practical to prevent us from venturing into new life found in faith. These attempts derive from the metaphysical, supernatural, and even our closest friends and family.

Yes, Peter lost his faith focus and sank. Yet, two things occurred. One, he was, in fact, walking on water. Two, Jesus rescued him, they walked back to the boat or Jesus carried him. Either way, he was with Jesus.

This imparts yet another truth. Whether we succeed or fail when pursuing faith, we are always with Jesus. That was something the other disciples in the boat with Peter could never attest to. I would rather sink pursuing Jesus in the midst of a storm than remain afloat in calm seas without him.

If there is one thing I have learned in all my years it is that Jesus is most often found when we push the boundaries. It's when we expand our faith that we discover a newness of life that was unimaginable until we stepped out of the boat.

 Wherever Jesus is calling you, whatever he is telling you to do, take that step of faith. It’s the only faith worth pursuing.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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