May 26, 2024

The Power of Belief Beyond Understanding

by Toby Lofton in Faith0 Comments

In the life of faith, we often juggle the desire to believe with the need to understand. Yet, there are moments when belief must come first, regardless of understanding. It's the key to transformation. The bible stories of individuals who, though not understanding how, found strength in their unwavering belief illustrate this truth.

The Gospel tells a story of a father seeking healing for his ailing son. In his plea to Jesus, he confesses, "I believe, help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24). His raw admission unveils the paradox of belief and understanding. The father, grappling with doubt, recognizes that belief can exist even in the absence of understanding.

The story of a once-blind man who gained sight through Jesus' healing touch resonates with a similar sentiment. When questioned about the how and why of his transformation, the man responds with remarkable simplicity, "I was blind, but now I see" (John 9:25). His words carry wisdom—he didn't need to know the how or why, only that he could see.

In our world that associates knowledge with empowerment, these stories challenge us. Do we truly need to understand? There are facets of life, experiences, and the divine that may elude our comprehension, yet remain very real. The rub of faith lies in our ability to believe, even when understanding evades our grasp.

As we continue the journey of faith, let us remember that sometimes, it's not about knowing everything—it's about the unwavering belief that with God, anything is possible.
