October 22, 2024

Plot Your Course

by Toby Lofton in Uncategorized0 Comments

Sometimes, the faith we desire feels distant. It feels that way perhaps, because it truly is. Yet, like the Israelites in the Exodus story journeying toward the Promised Land, the only way to get to where we want to go is one step at a time.

The good news is we know where we want to go. All we have to do now is plot a course. The best way to plot a course from where you are in your faith to where you want to be in your faith is by creating a road map with manageable steps.

A valuable tool to help you figure out the map is called mind-mapping. Mind-mapping is simply creating a list of all the things that must happen for you to reach your destination. Similar to brainstorming, order nothing at this point. Just envision and record.

Once you have a good list of the things that must happen, now you can prioritize them. What’s first? What’s the second? And so forth.

With your list in hand, now you can focus on the first step, and only your first step. Once you take the first step, the next steps will fall in line.

A good habit to develop is looking at your map and next step each morning before you start your day, and each evening before you go to sleep. Following such a ritual will keep you focused.

Listen, faith doesn’t just happen. Faith is an action you must take. Random occurrences in life may help develop your faith, but you must act.

So, if you want to strengthen your faith, have a plan, place it before the Lord, let God guide you, then take the steps He puts before you.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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