I believe! What do I do next?
You are a newcomer to the faith. Perhaps in our present situation you have been watching live-stream worship services. You’ve heard the story of Jesus. You’ve listened to message of forgiveness. In your heart you know, “I believe!” Fantastic!
There’s a problem though. What do you do next?

Best Case Scenario
If you were attending worship services in a place where a church gathers, you most likely would share that news with someone there. They, in turn, would suggest you talk to the pastor.
Or as in some traditions, you might walk down the aisle during the invitational hymn (that’s the last song played at the end of the service for those not familiar). Typically, the pastor will invite people forward to pray or to “receive Christ” (as it is said) during this hymn.
But you are not in a church building at present – COVID-19, social distancing, shelter-at-home, and such. You are sitting in your house watching a service. So, what now?
Tell Someone
The first thing I recommend for you to do is tell someone. Switch from live-stream to messenger and send a message to a friend about your decision (preferably someone who is a Christian).
If you don’t know someone who is a Christian, there typically is a message or email link on the Facebook page of the worship services that you were watching. Send a message to that church. Tell them you have come to believe in Christ through their service. Someone should reach out to you.
If no one ever reaches out to you (shame on them), then Google churches in your neighborhood or do a search on Facebook for a Christian group (there’s thousands). Send a message to one of them.
Yes, I know that sure sounds like a lot for someone who just wants to believe in Jesus. But it is important that you share the news with someone and particularly someone who can help you grow in your faith.
Do you have to tell someone? Well, I don’t think it is absolutely necessary as in “You are going to hell if you don’t.” We could discuss the teaching of “confessing with your mouth” (Romans 10:9-10), but that’s not the point here. The purpose is to get you connected to another Christian or group of Christians.

According to the scriptures, the early church gathered together for the purpose of encouraging and supporting one another, as well as to learn and to grow in the faith (Acts 2:42-47).
But I can’t gather with anyone right now!
True. You can’t gather physically at least. But you can through social media. Eventually, we will return to having the ability to gather at church buildings. Even now, groups of less than 10 are allowed in most states. If you are already connected when that times comes, then you have a group of people waiting on you.
There is a second reason I encourage you to tell someone about your decision. It has to do with getting you baptized. We will talk about baptism in my next post. For now, reach out. In fact, if you absolutely have no one to call, send me an email. Click on the contact tab at the top. I’ll certainly communicate with you.
[…] my previous blog I told you that the you really need to find a way to tell someone else. I advised telling a […]