August 4, 2024

Hold Fast

by Toby Lofton in Faith0 Comments

In your journey of faith, envisioning a future aligned with your beliefs is empowering and transformative. Living into that future requires planning, commitment, and, above all, trusting in God’s guidance. However, when you dare to follow God, stepping away from convention, you might encounter resistance from those who do not share your vision. This is when your conviction in your faith and purpose becomes paramount.

Having a clear vision for your faith is a remarkable starting point. It’s about recognizing the potential for growth, connection, and fulfillment in your spiritual journey. However, the moment you act upon your faith, you might notice some eyebrows raising. Others, accustomed to the way things have always been, might not comprehend the change you’re embracing.

Remember that your faith journey is uniquely yours, guided by the voice of God in your heart. While others might express their confusion or disapproval, it’s crucial to remain centered and resolute. The path you’re pursuing is God’s call on your life, and your commitment to it speaks volumes about your spiritual integrity.

As you obey God, you may leave behind familiar routines and activities. It’s natural for others to express concern or confusion when you make changes they don’t understand. But it’s essential to remember that your growth should take precedence over conformity.

In times of doubt or criticism, belief becomes your steadfast anchor. Believe in God’s plan for your life, trust in your ability to discern His guidance, and have faith in the purpose driving your actions. When you’re aligned with God’s vision for you, external opinions lose their power to sway you.

As you journey down the path of God’s call, keep the fire of your conviction burning brightly. The path might not always be smooth, and the opinions of others might create ripples, but your determination to follow your unique vision must remain unshaken. Embrace your faith journey as an opportunity to embody the person you’re destined to be. Hold fast to your belief in God, in yourself, and in the vision God has given you. With this unwavering conviction, you’ll discover a faith-filled life.

The Problem

 We have a dream, a vision, a desire, something within us we've always wanted to do — a longing within us. Every time we think about it, we say "If only."

The Solution

Stop wishing. Act on what you know God is calling you to do. You only get one life. Don't come to the end regretting you never followed God's call on your heart.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.
