In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus gave a profound warning to his disciples that still holds immense relevance today. He cautioned them to "watch out and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matthew 16:6). His warning carries profound wisdom for us as modern believers. It teaches us to be vigilant about the company we keep, for it can significantly impact our faith journey.

Yeast is often used as a metaphor for change, especially in the context of food preparation. When yeast is introduced into a dough, it begins a transformational process, altering the dough's content and making it rise. Importantly, this process occurs regardless of whether we desire it or not.

Similarly, the people we choose to associate with can act as change agents in our lives. Their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors can influence our own, shaping our faith and character. Just as yeast transforms dough, the influence of those around us can alter the course of our spiritual journey.

In your church community, there are likely individuals whose faith inspire you. Take time to observe them closely. Ask yourself: Do I want to live out my faith in the same manner as this person? Does their faith resonate with me? Do I witness the fruits of the Spirit in their life? These affirmative answers can guide you to individuals whose influence you should seek.

Once you've identified those who positively impact your faith journey, take intentional steps to build relationships with them. Get to know them better and engage in meaningful conversations about faith. If someone stands out as a particularly inspiring example, don't hesitate to approach them and ask if they would consider being your faith mentor.

Guarding your faith is not only about personal devotion but also about the companionship you choose. Just as Jesus warned his disciples about the influence of others, we must be mindful of the people we surround ourselves with. By seeking out positive influences and nurturing these relationships, you can fortify your faith and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth.
