Most people seek a fulfilling life. They seek for fulfillment in a variety of places. Fulfillment, however, is only found in faith and hope. These two are the pillars of strength that sustains us when everything else fails. They guide us to our true meaning and purpose in life.

When we allow faith and hope to guide our lives, it is like having a map completely charted to our destination. All we have to do is follow the course God has provided.

It would be nice if the path was easy, free of obstacles, challenges, and dangers. But it is not. God never said that it would be. Ironically, we find Jesus telling us just the opposite. He said the path that leads to life is narrow and difficult. Jesus warned us to be cautious and wary.

Yet, if we choose to follow God’s guidance, we are promised hope, love, and a joy that is indescribable. God reassures us, while the world, and perhaps others, may let us down, He would not. God will be with always as we walk along the journey He has given us.

Keep your eyes on faith and hope’s course. Stay on the pathway leading to life. In doing so, fulfillment is found.

Don't know where to start?

Let this devotional inspire your faith.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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