As we embark on our spiritual journey, we encounter numerous distractions and obligations that challenge our faith. Jesus establishes the foundation of our beliefs, but we must cultivate and uphold our faith. This realization prompts us to reflect on the interplay between our deeds, faith, and responsibility.

Taking Ownership of Faith's Fortitude

Our faith is not something that we simply have, with no effort on our part. Instead, it stems from the decisions we make and the steps we take. Therefore, we must ensure our faith is strong. Our spiritual connection is solely our responsibility, so we must work diligently to keep it strong.

The Dual Nature of Accountability

The condition of our faith is a direct reflection of our conscious actions, or lack thereof. We are responsible for both its creation and deterioration. The fate of our faith lies in our hands, and it is our responsibility to either strengthen it or let it falter. In essence, the state of our faith is a mirror of our engagement with it.

The Power of Intentional Choices

Silently, neglect can erode our faith. The vitality of our faith declines when we fail to practice spiritual disciplines, such as attending church, reading the Bible, and devoting ourselves to God. Just like a garden wilts without water, our faith will wither without intentional nourishment. Therefore, we must make a conscious effort to tend to our faith to keep it thriving.

Parable of the House: A Tale of Responsibility

The parable found in Matthew 12:43-45 sheds light on faith stewardship and its essence. In this parable, a house is used to symbolize our faith, which we are responsible for building and maintaining, just as we are responsible for a physical house. When we neglect our faith, it becomes vulnerable. Neglecting our faith is akin to leaving a house open to unwelcome occupants, as the parable highlights.

Filling the Void: Empowering Faith

To have a strong and active faith, we cannot be passive. We need to actively seek to fill ourselves with God's grace and wisdom. By positioning ourselves to receive these gifts, we can strengthen our faith and continue to grow closer to Him.
