October 13, 2024

Walking To a Greater Faith

by Toby Lofton in Faith0 Comments

Picture the scene: a storm-tossed sea, waves crashing against a boat, and one man with a yearning faith—Peter—gazing intently at Jesus walking on the water. With a heart ignited by faith, Peter steps out of the boat, driven by a singular goal: to reach Jesus.

Peter's story teaches us that faith worth pursuing often exists outside our comfort zones. His footsteps on the water reflect the audacity to challenge norms and venture into uncharted waters.

While Peter walked toward Jesus, distractions emerged—the storm, the wind, the crashing waves. Distractions will challenge us and doubts will assail us when we chase a greater faith. There is no way around them. You will have them, and you must face them head on.

The story reminds us of what occurs if we don’t. Like Peter, our footsteps falter, doubt sets in, and we sink—the opposite of where we seek.

Imagine had Peter not faltered. The sheer joy Peter might have felt. The confidence and strength in his belief in Jesus, not to mention in his own faith.

A stronger faith lies on the other side of fear, doubt, and obstacles. By pushing through, we uncover joy, growth, and achievements we never thought possible. Yes, achievements. For when we live pursuing the faith of our dreams, we achieve incredible things for God. Yes, through the Spirit of the Lord, but achieved all the same.

As you chase a stronger faith, draw from faith. With each step, reaffirm your trust that the path you tread, though arduous, holds boundless rewards. Walk toward the aspirations God has given you. With the Spirit’s empowerment, believe in your faith, even in the presence of fear and doubt. You can emerge victorious, bearing the fruits of your determination and faith.

The Problem:

You long for a greater faith. You know God is calling you to something more, but you just don't know how to get there. How can you do what God wants with your job, family, and even your church responsibilities?

Here's an idea:

Let the Bible provide the answer. To start with, remuniate on your heart's vision. Yes, just let it stew. Don't think you must have an answer today. Let God continue to grow that vision in your soul. Ponder upon the vision. Fall asleep thinking about it. Look around you during the day, becoming aware of the incredible impact God's call on you could have on others. 


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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