March 9, 2020

3 Things NOT to do for Continued Spiritual Growth – Part 1

by Toby Lofton in Spiritual Growth0 Comments

  1. Don’t Pigeonhole Yourself

We all have our favorite spiritual discipline. The problem is when we get so fixated on one discipline, we limit our ability to grow.

You may not always be able to practice your favorite discipline. Learning and practicing other methods gives you an assortment of spiritual tools to choose should you find yourself unable to use your favorite method.

I enjoy the Liturgy of Hours. It requires a good bit of time; especially if you keep all seven “hours.” Sometimes I have found myself unable to truly glean from them because of time limitations. At other times while traveling, pulling out my book of prayers just didn’t seem appropriate or either I didn’t have access to them.

Don’t wait until the oh-no moment when you realize you can’t practice your discipline for whatever reason. Have a few alternatives to utilize.


Toby Lofton

Pastor, Teacher, Author.

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