Mission Made Simple
Unleash the Power of Sharing Your Faith during Pentecost
Mission Made Simple:
A Pentecost Journey into Faith-Sharing
Do you feel like you are at a crossroads in your faith? Do you struggle to understand the significance of sharing your faith with others? The Christian season of Pentecost is a time of renewal, where the Holy Spirit descends upon us and empowers us to proclaim the good news of Jesus. In this devotional book, Christian author and pastor, Dr. Toby Lofton, explores how to tap into the power of Pentecost to deepen your commitment to Christ and confidently share Christ with others.
About Mission Made Simple
Mission Made Simple: A Pentecost Journey into Faith-Sharing is a devotional book offering a fresh perspective on how the season of Pentecost can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and devotion. With daily reflections, practical teachings, and engaging exercises Dr. Lofton guides you through a journey of faith-sharing, empowering you to confidently share your love for Jesus with others.
You'll discover
Mission Made Simple: A Pentecost Journey into Faith-Sharing is a comprehensive resource that is perfect for anyone looking to unlock the power of Pentecost and confidently share their faith with others. So why wait? Start your journey towards faith-sharing today!
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